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Free of Constraints
Breezes from the south are intoxicating with the nuzzling promise of springtime. Days shine brighter longer. Occasionally, we walkers of the Great Plains can even move about outside without keeping our shoulders reflexively…
You Look Like You Could Use a Hug
You look like you could use a hug, and Thundercat is here to answer your wish. Oh, dear lads and dear, dear lassies, ‘tis February on the Great Plains, and this shortest…
Fixing to Roar
A century ago, the years of the 1920s roared in and started becoming memorable for flourishing innovations in art, fashion, and style. The era became so deeply influenced by a musical style…
Genius Steals
Possibly attributable to the great thief and aphorist Oscar Wilde: “Talent borrows – genius steals.” It is sometimes surprising when something can trip our tastes and tip the scales of our opinions. What…
Sights, scents, and even slants of light can send us straight to our memories. I am transformed, taken to different times in my life, by seeing certain cuts of shadow and light in…