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2015 Joy / No Joy
Night. You are driving alone and nearing your destination. A great song is playing through the car speakers. You turn up the volume. You have arrived but love the song too much to stop…
Proximity, the Breadth of Distance, and Triangulation
Reluctant leaves began yielding to stout chilly breezes during this last week or so. Finally they are falling in pretty bronze and yellow masses. October and November have mostly been extensions of summer,…
Insomnia Revisited – Smoke
You knew it. The relationship meant more to you than it did to the other. She loves me not…. It may have happened to you slowly – the realization like a jagged gutting…
My mother is almost 87. This is a new wrinkle: a couple of times here lately, she’s needed gentle reminders of my name. Sometimes she needs cues to remember me at all. Cues…
Squirrel At The Acorn Festival
These are my friends. I am grateful. Everyone should be so lucky to have such friends. High school graduates of the early/mid-1980s, chums through college years and beyond, most of our relationships…