The Sweet Algorithm
Apparently, my new passion is mocktails: the popular non-alcoholic concoctions that promise to keep us all swanky, relaxed, and unthirsty, but without the hangover or taxation of our livers. I say apparently because…
Robot Zen 2022
It’s been a long time, so I’ll simply wade in and won’t make excuses for those slipped-away days with no Rocky post. Here are favorite books I read during those missing months. Robot…
J’s 2022 Highlights
Well, hello strangers. How have you all been? Enjoying good reads, I hope. It’s the holidays. The end of the year already! When did I last contribute about books? I had to look……
A President’s summer reading list.
It seems like a dream – those days when he oversaw this country. We didn’t deserve him; and we won’t see another with his integrity and vision for some time because we aren’t…
“Our hardships was ended”
As July 4, 2022 approached I didn’t feel this country really deserved a “hooray for us” or even a weak-voiced “yippy” punctuated with a yummy picnic. Truthfully, the sourness weighed on me and…